Random Thoughts on Leadership and Life

Stories from helping organizations embrace New Ways of Working
Er du leder eller manager? Forhåbentlig er du begge dele!

Jeg ser ofte opslag eller talere på konferencer, der fremhæver forskellene mellem ”leadership” og ”management”, men den tænkning er efter min mening for simpel til at navigere i de konstante forandringer og den stigende kompleksitet, vi dagligt udsættes for. Moderne organisationer har ikke brug for den klassiske opdeling af ledere og managere – de har...

How to Determine the Pathways in Your Organization?

When Walt Disney envisioned Disneyland, he waited to observe where visitors naturally walked before laying down sidewalks, allowing natural behaviors to dictate design. This approach, mirrored by Michigan State University (main image), emphasizes adapting to natural pathways rather than imposing predetermined routes. Unfortunately these examples are rare and more often than not, control is prioritized,...

Cultivating Effective Communication

In the ever-evolving complex landscape of modern leadership, the importance of effective communication cannot be overstated. It was therefore no surprise that effective communication was one of five themes ChatGPT identified when I tasked it with analyzing over 250 Harvard Business Review Management Tips of the Day from 2023. You can read a short summary...