Supporting organizations exploring

21st Century

Ways of Working

01Vision without execution is just a fantasy

Introducing New Ways of Working is a complex problem to be solved. By testing hypothesis early and often we figure out what works and what need to be tweaked and retested.

02Advisory tailored to your context and goals

Trying to copy someone else's implementation of New Ways of Working often fails. I believe in understanding what makes an organization unique and tailor the approach to fit the needs of the organization.

03Combining experience with proven frameworks

In addition to 21+ years of experience with New Ways of Working, I am certified in a number of relevant leadership tools and frameworks.


Your New Ways of Working

Your context, culture, and industry are unique to your organization.

I bring 21+ years of concrete experience experimenting with new ways of working, and together we’ll design and explore the future(s) of work that’s right for your organisation.

Organizational Design
Leadership Development
Supercharged Coaching
Training and Workshops

Organizational Design

Supercharged Coaching

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Leading New Ways of Working requires a different set of leadership skills.

Designing for Business Agility

Let's avoid falling into the trap of doing more Agile just for the sake of being Agile.

Introducing New Ways of Working (including Agile) is a fascinating endevour, but we should never lose sight of the real goal. Whether it is productivity, predictability, flexibility, or any other “ability”, how you design your organization should be to support these goals.

Teal and Agile Training and Workshops

I facilitate several open Leadership courses, but I also love to do private training and workshops.

CONTACTHow can I help your business excel?

Let's discuss how I can help you explore New Ways of Working.

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