Random Thoughts on Leadership and Life

Stories from helping organizations embrace New Ways of Working
Er du leder eller manager? Forhåbentlig er du begge dele!

Jeg ser ofte opslag eller talere på konferencer, der fremhæver forskellene mellem ”leadership” og ”management”, men den tænkning er efter min mening for simpel til at navigere i de konstante forandringer og den stigende kompleksitet, vi dagligt udsættes for. Moderne organisationer har ikke brug for den klassiske opdeling af ledere og managere – de har...

Yesterday, my colleague, Kristian Haugaard (@haugaards), asked on our Ugilic Google hangout; Which book should a mid-level manager new to Agile read during the christmas holidays? My instinctive answer was Scrum for Managers: Management Secrets to Building Agile & Results-Driven Organizations by Rini van Solingen (@solingen) and Rob van Lanen (@robvanlanen). The book is a ‘how to...

In a recent study done by the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment among 14,940 Danish employees including 712 in Management positions, they found that Managers are considerable happier with their work than employees without management responsibilities. The study concludes that 83% of the managers feel they get a large degree of joy...

Reading Johanna Rothman’s post titled ”Management Myth #9: We Have No Time for Training” on Stickyminds.com it made me think about my own approach to competence development, both as a Manager and as an independent consultant. Many companies, especially those under pressure due to the current economy or self-inflicted trouble, might feel tempted to cut...